The holiday season is over and the New Year has already begun, but that doesn’t mean the cold weather of the season has come and gone! While the 2013-2014 winter season was one of the coldest winters in recent history, experts predict even lower temperatures are still to come this season. Don’t let the plunging January temperatures catch you and your home off-guard this season… make Winterizing Your Home your New Year’s Resolution this year.

‘Winterizing’ is everything you can do to help prepare your home for not only the lowest temperatures of the year, but to also protect your home from possible damage done by the harsh temperatures and freezing rain, snow and sleet. Still not sure winterizing is right for you? Here are just a few important reasons why you should plan to prepare and protect your home for this season and the many to come.

You can save energy AND money. Making sure your home is fully insulated is a large part of the winterizing process. Your home’s insulation is like its sweater; it’s how your home stays warm! With better sealing of your home through insulation, you will use less energy to heat your home, which also saves you money on your monthly heating bills where it counts the most!

You can prevent future repairs. Regular upkeep and maintenance is a great way to guard yourself from unexpected problems and repairs. Need a second opinion? Talk to a professional and have them inspect your home and its’ needs. A lot of the time, a professional is able to better spot a future problem or maintenance need before it turns into something major, which will save you time and money in the end.

You can protect your home from unexpected disasters. Winterizing your home can help protect it from the damage of low temperatures, freezing rain, snow and ice. The outside of your home is one of the most important parts to winterize because of its exposure to all of these harsh conditions. Making sure your home’s outer-layer is as weatherproof as it can be will not only minimize any future damage, but also save you money down the road.

All in all, Winterizing your home is a great way to not only make sure your home is prepared and protected from the coming temperatures and elements, but also a great way to get the most out of your home by saving on monthly utility bills and large, costly repairs. Talk to a professional at CRS Exteriors and find out more about what your home needs to prepare for the Polar Plunge.